Hi! These are some of the logos, and visuals I made on order. My usual method is making some sketches freehand on paper, just to get the idea, and see what the topic, the name and the form of the letters can offer. After that I use Illustrator, at this point I focus more on the shape of the typo. I usually create 3 variations for start and than I work with the one that my customer preferred.
Here you can see also some packaging where I used aquarelle technique for the floral motive and than Photoshop and InDesign.

I studied art since my age 14 and spent several years of drawing and painting still life portrait and anatomy with pencil, coal, charcoal, aquarelle, tempera, ink, acrylic, oil.
My art topics are visionary scenes, situations, details inspired by my dreams and my psychotherapeutic experiences based on my technical skills